
August 16, 2013


Ever since running the Ragnar relay at the end of June-- I really haven't been running and I feel awful. I tried running last weekend, and let's just say it almost killed me. I think that I pushed myself too hard during Ragnar and because it was my first time, I didn't know what to expect. I thought I trained pretty well...turns out I didn't. It took me weeks to recover after that race.

The rest of this summer I have been in a slump. I have taken the "it's okay to relax in the summer" mantra way too seriously. Let me explain how...

///// Ever since Thanksgiving, I seem to actually feel my metabolism slowing down by the hour. Oh the woes of aging.

///// Our apartment comes with free cable and I've been exposed to all these television shows I didn't even know existed. The Real Housewives of Wherever are captivating to watch. Their lives are unreal to me and ridiculously entertaining.

///// We had left over cheese cake from our reception that helped kick off my summer of sucky eating. Seriously...I had a piece every day for breakfast for about 2 weeks.

///// I blame Breaking Bad for my inability to wake up early and exercise outdoors before it's blistering hot. The husband gets off work at 9, we eat dinner, and finish watching the good old Heisenberg around midnight.

Do any of you feel sluggish and plump at the end of summer? What do you do to stay motivated and moving? I need someone to get up in my face, and tell me to shape up.


  1. I feel like this is going to happen to me after my marathon. Because right now I'm so tired and my poor legs are so overwhelmed that if I didn't have an expensive, LONNNGG race coming up, I would take a week or two off running. I love it, don't get me wrong. But I'm excited for a break, physically and mentally.

  2. Tyler doesn't get off til 10, and when he gets home we watch Heroes. I know exactly how you feel!


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