
April 11, 2014


I'm really trying to be more positive:

More positive at work and towards those few kiddos that make me wanna scream.
More positive about my self-perception and this incredible body of mine (incredible in the way that it works the way it does).
More positive towards my marriage. 
More positive in the way I view change. 
More positive about my future. 

I think the way you become more positive is having more faith and trust in what God wants for you. I keep forgetting that I'm not alone and that the big man upstairs really is rooting for all of us to be happy.  

G and I will be leaving Logan in June. It's a little heart breaking because of all the growth I've experienced here in Logan-town. This is where G and I met when I was a wee little 18 year-old. It's where we crossed paths again and where we decided to take the same path. This is where I met my closest friends. This is where I changed my major 3 or 4 times and found my passion. This is where I will bring my kiddos on a trip down memory lane. I'm leaving Logan and it hurts a little. 

I'm leaving Logan and I'm a little excited. 

I've accepted a job offer to teach 6th grade in Kaysville and to say I'm over-the-moon is an understatement. I applied at dozens of schools, looked into several districts and was presented with so many opportunities, but when my number one choice got back to me so quickly, I was pretty surprised! I'm thrilled to start planning my classroom.Greg and I will be moving back to Davis County soon, and everything's coming up roses. 

See that positivity?

Because we'll be moving in a matter of weeks, I decided to put off my deep, spring cleaning until we have to leave our apartment. In the meantime, I'll search for a new place to live...

and love doing laundry till we move. 

For anyone who might be interested, here's a recipe for some homemade laundry detergent that I'm pretty sure will last a small family at least a year or so. I saw tons of these recipes floating around on Pinterest, and I finally did it. I paid about $40 for the big glass jar and all the ingredients. If you leave out scent boosting crystals and the glass container, you could get everything for somewhere in the ballpark of $25. 

Why I like this detergent: 

It smells so good
I only have to use a tablespoon or two per load
My whites are left whiter without bleach
My washing machine drum doesn't have soapy, grimy build-up
It looks pretty cute on my laundry-shelf

One 4-pound 12-oz box of Borax
Three bars of Fels-Naptha soap
One 4-pound box of Baking Soda
One box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda - Laundry Aisle
4 pounds of Oxy Clean (I buy the largest container and save about 1/3 for other cleaning at home)
*Optional* Laundry softener crystals for scent. You can mix these in to your laundry detergent or add them to your loads as needed.

You'll need a 5-gallon bucket or large storage container lined with a heavy-duty garbage bag.

Pretty much all of the Pinterest recipes tell you to grate the Fels-Naptha with a cheese grater or food processor. Well, lucky for you, I tried both of those ways and gave up after I grated my finger and ended up with a big ol' clump of soap jammed in my processor. SO guess what?? I have a solution for you. Cut the soap into 1-inch cubes and pulse in a blender-- do this in batches. ADD ABOUT A CUP OF BAKING SODA TO EACH BAR OF SOAP IN THE BLENDER. This helped keep the soap from clumping and creates finer, smaller shavings of soap. 

After you have all your soap "grated," mix everything in your garbage bag. Snap the lid on your bucket/storage container and shake well! You can store your container in a dry place and use as needed. I've seen people use mason jars to use near their washer instead of keeping a giant bucket there. Again, I bought this cute jar for about $10 and I love it. Because my washing machine is in my apartment's bathroom, I threw in one of those silica packets to keep the mix dry. 

Use 1 Tbs for small loads and 2 Tbs for larger loads.

Let me know if you have made your own laundry detergent or if you make this recipe. 

Here's to positivity, Spring time, and lovely smelling laundry. 


  1. I will be teaching in kaysville too next year. Which school did you accept an offer from?

  2. Congrats on your new teaching position! I am so happy for you!

    I am going to try to make my own laundry detergent now.


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