
January 27, 2013


Winter in Logan + cow & car inversion + 21 credits + planning a wedding + fiance who works nights = a lonely, claustrophobic, anxious, ME. 

The last few weeks I've found myself in a slump. I really think this horrible winter has been the worst I've ever experienced and it has taken a lot out of me. Everyone keeps saying that being engaged is the best time in my life, and that wedding planning should be such a blast. But I have sort of lost focus and had a terrible attitude as of late. 


So this weekend, I really tried to get out of this funk. I did a lot of random things. I drove all the way to SLC and went window shopping for a few hours... still felt pretty yucky after that excursion. I went against my "no-tanning" rule for a few minutes, and I really think some vitamin D did me some good! Greg was sweet to cook new recipes with me, spend all his spare time with me and take me up the canyon to climb above the gross air.

Warning: gross kissing picture to follow.

As of right now, I'm feeling ready to take on one more week. 

Happy Monday, keep going, everyone.

Has anyone else felt down this winter? What do you do to keep positive and happy?


  1. Ok, I am TOTALLY with you. I have been a crazy, psycho, ornery person this week. I think it is the weather?!? I just want to cry every time I go outside. I took myself shopping and to get my eye brows waxed on Friday night, because Spencer was busy with ATO all week, and I thought I would suffocate in my house. I thought about going tanning too. This weather s.u.c.k.s. And I didn't love being engaged either, because we never saw each other, it's being married that's great.

  2. I definitely get a little SAD in the winter. I take vitamin D supplements (like 3 of them) and that actually helps a lot! I'm sorry you're having a hard time. And I think your kissing picture is cute!

  3. Just a little over a month and you will be in Cali!!! Yay!!!

  4. Yes, this weather has also been awful for me. I'm a summer and sunshine person. I keep hoping my husband will be hired for a job in the south or southwest US. I'm so glad you were able to get above the icky air. Breathing clear air really does help people think more clearly and feel better about life.

    It may be cold outside, but I've learned I have to stand by a window or outside where the sun (even if those rays are limited) can hit my skin. I also bring myself some happiness in winter by reading a little each day (I mean a for fun book. Scriptures are an everyday thing, and I need other books, too). I also have time to make things (crafts), and I write (that was one of my areas of study). Exercise helps. I don't mean just walking all across campus. Take a few minutes to do some yoga or go for a quiet walk around the block. Good luck. :)


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