
January 15, 2013


The days before my new semester began, I tried on dozens of wedding dresses at several different shops. Let me just tell you to run away from Gateway Bridal and Prom/Latter Day Bride. Finding a modest wedding dress is very important to me, so I stopped by. BIG mistake. There is nothing special about dress shopping there....consultants should not stand staring at you with folded arms, throw their gowns on the floor, stop you from trying on dresses you like, and treat your mother poorly. Boo, Gateway Bridal. Make sure you visit little boutiques like Danielle'sthe Bride's Shop, or Alta Moda. After visiting so many places, I loved the way small boutiques treated me like a bride. Crazy, because I am one. Finding a wedding dress should be a wonderful experience and consultants should help you find dresses you are interested in, make an effort to get to know you, communicate with you to understand what you do and don't like about a dress, and act slightly interested in you.

NOTHING I tried on made me feel amazing, except for a dress that was 3x my budget. I tried about 20+ dresses on and felt completely discouraged. I was too critical of myself in every dress. I may have shed several tears because I just hated trying on dresses, but that isn't how it should be, right? I pulled myself up, dusted myself off and I went back to the beautiful Alta Moda the last weekend to start over. I tried on a couple dresses I had already put on, and tried on some new ones.  Feeling defeated, I slipped into the last gown my consultant had pulled for me and I wept.

Only this time, they were those happy little tears.

Here's a little peek, I don't' want to show everyone yet. 

Call me wordly, vain, and lacking purpose.... but that dress is perfect for me. It's not even close to the gown I've dreamed about for years-- it's even better. It was really special to have my mom and dad there. It's as if my entire wedding is coming together now and I am oh so excited to sealed to the love of my life. I hope he loves my dress as much as I do:)

Curse words, I love that man.


  1. Ahhh how exciting! I love that you are planning a wedding right now, and that I basically stalk your blogs. You are lovely, and I'm so excited to see the final results of all your hard work!

  2. oh my goodness even from the hem it looks absoultely divine! hope the rest of the planning is going well!


  3. I am so excited. I am sure the dress is gorgeous!

    XO Lourdes


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