
March 11, 2013


Spring break is here. Praise the Lord! I boarded a plane on Saturday to visit my adorable friend... I am so glad to get out of the Logan, Utah weather. How long and awful was our winter? Longer and more awful than words can say.

I'll be spending the next few days running on the beach, soaking up the sun & working on my tan, eating at some of my favorite places, and not worrying about school for a second.

This is the last time that Greg and I are away from each other. Really away.

Greg's in Haiti.


He's just this awesome humanitarian who likes to spend his breaks from school serving at a medical clinic on a mountain in Haiti. I hope he doesn't catch malaria or TB. Cross your fingers for him...

When our break is over, we'll be getting married in less than 70 days. I am so excited and nervous, all at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Have an amazing time and enjoy your Spring Break!

    XO Lourdes


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