
August 13, 2016

Update on Layla 8/12 & 8/13

Our little Layla girl is working so hard! Yesterday she was up 15 grams in weight and today she is up 19 grams! She is now up to 5 lbs 11 oz-- getting closer to her birth weight at 6 lbs! She is taking about 50-60% of her feeds on her own which means she takes a good amount of each feeding from the breast or bottle. She wears herself right out and then receives the remainder of her feed through her NG tube feed.

Layla was taken off her bilirubin lights for the second time because her numbers went down, hooray! However, her count today jumped up a bit (>11) and if her numbers get up to 14, she goes back under the lights. Pray that Layla's liver can filter out that jaundice!

Big news for today though... She ate her entire 60 ml feed on her own with NO NG tube feed! She is only required to eat 55 ml. Can she get a round of applause? 

Layla's goals for rooming in and then disharging are getting bilirubin count maintained and taking enough of her feeds without her tube. It's difficult not knowing how much time those could take, but we are so grateful that Layla is showing progress. 

After I visit for her 8:00 pm feed and snuggle for a bit, I head home while Greg stays for several more hours to study. I feel so blessed to be going through this experience with Greg by my side. He has helped me through my middle of the night pumping sessions and held me every day while I cry on his shoulder. I love watching him get set up with his laptop nearby to study with Layla snuggled up on his chest. Leaving at night is the hardest, but when I leave with her daddy still by her side, I cry a little bit less knowing Layla isn't falling asleep without her mommy or daddy.




  1. Thank you so much for sharing the details of yours and Layla's story, Stephanie. It is beautifully told and brings a lot of comfort to me since I have not yet gone through pregnancy or birthing and it scares me. A lot sometimes. More than just that though, it's the fear of being a Mom and if I will be able to love enough or handle it all. I think it is so inspiring to hear your struggles and fears and yet the overwhelming love you have for Layla. I know that other mothers tell me it is all worth it, but for some reason your open and no-sugar-coat story really helps me feel that no matter what, everything will be alright. Thank you for sharing.


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