
August 14, 2016

Update on Layla 8/14

"Some of you may at times have cried out in your suffering, wondering why our Heavenly Father would allow you to go through whatever trials you are facing…

“Our mortal life, however, was never meant to be easy or consistently pleasant. Our Heavenly Father … knows that we learn and grow and become refined through hard challenges, heartbreaking sorrows, and difficult choices. Each one of us experiences dark days... These and other trials present us with the real test of our ability to endure.”

Today I stumbled across the quote above while listening to a talk given by Dallin H. Oaks. In the midst of wondering what I could have done to prevent my preterm labor, I feel a lot of comfort from that quote. Things happened the way they did for a reason. I may not know the reason immediately or ever, but I do know that I am becoming stronger from all of this. I'm not saying that things are getting easier, because they aren't. I just mean that this experience is one of purpose for me as a daughter of God, as a wife, and most importantly, as a mother.

I once had the opportunity to meet dallin Oaks at a time when I needed some direction. Without knowing my current circumstances, he simply told me, and two dear friends who were with me, that we ought not to worry about finding the "perfect man," but to find the perfect person FOR each of us. This ultimately led me to my decision to marry Greg and this experience we are currently facing is evidence that I did find the perfect person for me. Greg and I depend on each other and hold each other up. Often I feel he holds me up while I depend on him more than I can ever return the favor, but I do know we make a great team.

Today has been a great day for Layla! When I arrived this morning, she had gained weight and she had finished her morning feeding ALL BY HERSELF (entirely from her bottle with NO NG tube)! She continued to take her next two entire feedings from me. Three, 100% feedings in a row! Wahoo! Her doctor said when she starts taking 80% of her feedings on her own she can lose the tube. 

Her bilirubin count increased slightly, so she may go back under the lights tomorrow if her numbers climb. 

Today is bittersweet. Bitter in that my mom had to go home. She has been my angel over the last two weeks... Helping me through my hospital stay and encouraging me each night when I cry without my baby. I know she'll be back soon, and the next time she comes I am hoping Layla is home! 

Things are sweet now because Layla met her Grandma Johnson today! We are lucky to have help from Greg's mom and I am blessed to have her Christ-like countenance supporting the three of us. 

We are so proud of this little nugget. She decided to come early even though it would have been much easier for her to grow while still inside mama... She is one hard worker!

I put Layla in this preemie outfit and I am pretty sure it won't fit tomorrow😂

 Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

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